What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the science of life, the sister science of yoga. It's an ancient system of healing and wellness that is over 5,000 years old, a time-tested method of holistic medicine that focuses on prevention and getting to the root causes of imbalances of the mind, body and spirit. Borrowing from nature, the ancient sages used the elements - space, air, water, fire and earth to create a language to build an understanding of the constitution (Prakriti) and the imbalances (Vikriti) to better understand ourselves, others and the connection with nature that surrounds us. Ayurveda utilizes the pulse, face and tongue diagnoses, Vedic astrology, yoga, meditation, herbs, nutrition and lifestyle to create individualized recommendations, simple, natural remedies to bring you back into balance, back to your true nature.
Prakriti is our constitution or true nature. We are all made up of the five elements in differing amounts.
That's what makes us unique. Your constitution is determined at time of birth. Your Prakriti can be unveiled by finding the qualities that describe your make-up. My make-up is mostly Love Force and Light Force in its most balanced state, my Prakriti.
Prana = Life Force
Air ~ Space
Qualities: Light, dry, cold, subtle, moving, clear, course, rough, changeable
Ojas = Love Force
Earth ~ Water
Qualities: Heavy, moist, cool, sticky, slimy, unctuous, smooth, steady
Tejas = Light Force
Fire ~ Water
Hot, sharp, intense, slightly moving, fluid, pungent, sour
As we go through life, we stray from our unique Prakriti due to diet, lifestyle habits, etc. Understanding your Prakriti and your current Vikriti, imbalances that can occur, can help you identify areas that need attention. Your Vikriti can show as an increase or decrease in your elements called a dosha. Below are the three doshas that can go out of balance. My current Vikriti is Vata dosha - I will focus on balancing Vata.
Vata Dosha
Air ~ Space
Qualities: Light, dry, cold, subtle, moving, clear, coarse, rough, changeable
Sweet - Pacifies
Sour - Pacifies
Salty - Pacifies
Pungent - Aggravates
Bitter - Aggravates
Astringent - Aggravates
Kapha Dosha
Earth ~ Water
Qualities: Heavy, moist, cool, sticky, slimy, unctuous, smooth, steady
Sweet - Aggravates
Sour - Aggravates
Salty - Aggravates
Pungent - Pacifies
Bitter - Pacifies
Astringent - Pacifies
Pitta Dosha
Fire ~ Water
Hot, sharp, intense, slightly moving, fluid, pungent, sour
Sweet - Pacifies
Sour - Aggravates
Salty - Aggravates
Pungent - Aggravates
Bitter - Pacifies
Astringent - Pacifies